The first to strike the ground, is also the first to pass the sky. The first that is emitted from an ever-burning source of aggression, passion and harmony. It passes through the layers of media to amplify a stubborn red,
The Roasted Demand
It has been a tiring night where the eyes couldn't wait to close shut. Into those dreams of darkness, it seems like I have traveled afar many light years. The new stories that pop up and the unrecognized links that
The Brewing Ink Doesn’t Think
The more I sit, the more these words don’t move. An indecisiveness to fix upon a word in this ocean of synonyms is prominent. It eats up the work before even getting cooked. Oh, cooking I must say is solely
The Monetized Sip
The world of trade has shown us the crucial balance of demand and supply. The Monetary Policy Committee of India, at its recent meeting in the month of June has announced a pause on the repo rate. The much awaited
A Cloudy Mug
The clouds start to gather in line to the directionless winds that blow along the pressure difference. A countering effect of summer and winter is witnessed right at the center. The smell of the soil has already turned pleasing. The
Coffee & ChatGPT
Where do we start from? In this relentless journey of humanity, I think the time to settle has finally arrived. Settle, which is not a synonym to “Lethargy” but an outcome of the pursuit, that needs to be embraced with
The “Woke” Cup
Ever realized how coffee is brewed to perfection? An art that lifts off from the beginning of the curing process. Let’s take you through the valleys of coffee and the stories they hold. The major classification of a bean comes