Coffee & ChatGPT
Where do we start from? In this relentless journey of humanity, I think the time to settle has finally arrived. Settle, which is not a synonym to “Lethargy” but an outcome of the pursuit, that needs to be embraced with open arms. With many claims pertaining to attrition and layoffs across the web, it is fundamental to acknowledge and appreciate this web on a world wide scale, thus the world wide web. Similarly, the impact of ChatGPT is to be accommodated for reaping out the catalytic benefits that it can provide. Nevertheless, the easing of tasks by ChatGPT could mean a greater amount of personal time shared with families or communities which could reverse the depression trajectory with time. Such a reversal would probably require proper governance and regulation from, both the sovereignty and corporations involved in these operating territories with mutual respect along the diversity. On an argumentative end lies the absence of such tasks easing mindset in this pursuit of knowledge. In fact, tasks would get tedious as the control of such highly performing machines would transform the physically monotonous work to a mentally stimulating thought . It is understood that the technological revolution rests its foundation on an industrial one. So, the preconceived notion of tech removing jobs could put an individual in a state to rethink work. All apart,the usage of AI with a proper conscience and governance could help the working societies with a better work life balance. This should in turn help the sole base humanitarian thought of having a healthier progression in quality rather than quantity. Few say otherwise, for economical reasons? Probably true… Let’s talk more over a cup of coffee?