The “Woke” Cup
Ever realized how coffee is brewed to perfection? An art that lifts off from the beginning of the curing process. Let’s take you through the valleys of coffee and the stories they hold. The major classification of a bean comes from the crop that had borne it. In the family of Rubiaceae, the flowering species Coffea Canephora a.k.a Robusta have a greater caffeine content and less sugars, while the species Coffea Arabica a.k.a Arabica have a sweeter tone trade to caffeine. The robust nature of Robusta comes from its low susceptibility to pests and diseases, thereby a higher yield. The high caffeine content in Robusta makes it an ideal pick for producing Instant Coffee. The sweet Arabica on the other hand reserves its spot in the R&G space, with coffee connoisseurs grasping every bit of its essence. But have you ever wondered how a red looking cherry is turned to a brown aroma packed bean? Let’s dig right into it. It begins from the picking of cherries, which are then subjected to fermentation. This process, namely curing, will have the fermentation done in two ways, the dry method and the wet method. The dry method incorporates sun drying, while the wet method uses particular enzymes for selective cherries. Subsequently the outer skin is removed and hulled to give us the Green Coffee beans. These beans are further roasted to bring out the aroma onto its surface and make it brew ready. The roasting profile plays a crucial role in determining the cup’s quality and taste. The brown roasted beans, roasted as per the palate profile, are passed onto grinding with an appropriate grind size that ensures no sediments exist in the brew. The Roasted & Ground coffee beans are either brewed from a coffee making machine, or a filter press, or in percolators to produce Instant Coffee. The temperature of water used and the brew time are significant factors for bringing a flavor filled and an aromatic intense cup to the table. With all this in place, the cup waits for you to savor. Go on, dive into the stimulated sense of alertness.
We all know that readings get better with coffee and our sips are a proof to that!