General information about company | |
Scrip Code* | 538920 |
NSE Symbol | VINCOFE |
ISIN | INE498Q01014 |
Name of the listed entity | Vintage Coffee and Beverages Limited |
Statement(1) | |
Mode of Fund Raising | Preferential Issues |
Description of mode of fund raising (Applicable in case of others is selected) | |
Date of Raising Funds | 20-06-2024 |
Amount Raised (in Rs. Crores) | 42.9 |
Report filed for Quarter ended | 30-09-2024 |
Monitoring Agency | Not applicable |
Monitoring Agency Name, if applicable | |
Is there a Deviation / Variation in use of funds raised | No |
If yes, whether the same is pursuant to change in terms of a contract or objects, which was approved by the shareholders | |
If Yes, Date of shareholder Approval | |
Explanation for the Deviation / Variation | |
Comments of the Audit Committee after review | Approved |
Comments of the auditors, if any | Nil |
Sr. | Original Object | Modified Object, if any | Original Allocation | Modified allocation, if any | Funds Utilised | Amount of Deviation/Variation for the quarter according to applicable object | Remarks if any |
1 | To invest & grant loans in companies, body corporates and for expansion plans & activities & working capital requirements of the Company, subsidiaries and associates | Not Applicable | 28.631 | 0 | 28.631 | 0 | |
2 | To meet the issue expenses | Not Applicable | 3.544 | 0 | 3.544 | 0 | |
3 | To meet general corporate purpose which shall not exceed 25% of the Issue Size | Not Applicable | 10.725 | 0 | 10.725 | 0 |
Signatory Details | |
Name of signatory | Akash Jain |
Designation of person | Company Secretary and Compliance Officer |
Place | Secunderabad |
Date | 28-10-2024 |