Sailed through the generations of memory that the DNA has held, and the port of call shouts for this 21st century. Changes are certainly vibrant, and the land seems to be different from the waters we have come from. The warm blooded dynamism seems more interesting than the cold blooded statism. In this ever evolving time the spines of humans have directed itself in search of signals. Not forgetting the importance of survival, the communities have helped each other to embrace such a signaling, collectively. Nevertheless, the track seems to have turned otherwise, carrying with it, the compartments of civilization. In the whims of power, resources were exploited. The cherishment of basics had fallen prey to the advanced dreams. In constant fluctuations of timelines in our heads, the moment kept forgetting itself. A trait much required for survival and procreation. In it, the whole ecosystem that resides was ignored quite frequently. In competitive landscapes, the tagged views appear self centric. The erosion of differences between higher conscious beings and the lower ones were prominent. The forests and its species that have held lives spanning to centuries and beyond watch these practices in silence. The moments driven by breath and the blood that flows along this direction needed observance. Probably, the best suited with a cup of beans or of leaves, in either case, the soil stays constant. In a million ways to observe this magic, a fastened rule can not exist. The growing number of patents to this cup is best savored in a healthy competitive space. The policies that govern this space act as a catalyst to determine the ecosystem that gets built around these patents. Infact, the advancements from the Industrial times wouldn’t have grown at such a pace without a communal intent of growing together. The pollution that followed could be a discussion for another day. In any odds, the open source languages, the cures to certain diseases, stay as some of the few examples that the advanced patents rely on. But despite such selfless contributions, patent rights seem crucial in providing a competitive edge and spirit to inventions backed by modern day economics and its definition of productivity. Let’s hope that a part of this creative space takes care of this spirit’s health, after all, many monopolies would eventually lead to monopsonies. In this questionnaire of a binary pick, let conscience unveil itself with time, while we observe the game in serenity. If not brew, let’s at least sip into this reality together.
If patents remain to be the building blocks of an ecosystem, the satiating bean continues to laugh on this greed filled phantom